Monday, December 22, 2008

philosophical question

A bunch of these beautiful cedar waxwings were outside my window this morning. Something I usually miss being in a cubicle everyday with not a window in sight. So do they come by every morning when I'm not there and I just happened to catch them or did they know I was home and stop by for a visit? Either way, they were gorgeous.

Friday, December 19, 2008

yellowstone meets appalachia

Aaron Copland's Appalachian Spring was playing on the radio on the drive into work today. This is probably my favorite piece of music of all time. It takes me to very specific places and times in my mind and heart. My parents had a time-share in a cabin in Island Park, ID and we would go there for a couple of weeks every summer at least. The cassette of Appalachian Spring was always popped into the tape deck as we entered the West entrance of the park. The crescendos and decrescendos of the music served as soundtrack to the majestic vistas that unfolded to us around each bend in the road. Now that we don't have the time-share anymore and some of those sharing the trips are gone, this amazing piece of music is always a quick way for me to be transported back to that beautiful place and great times.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

sorry, but while we're still on the subject

Sorry, it's RaNkin/Bass. But while we're thinking about something so pleasant, let's just imagine some repeating harp trills and take a step back shall we?

this kills me

I imagine this being said in a loud Charles Nelson Riley voice.

And on another note, may I just say that I turned on network television for the first time in a while last night looking for the beloved Rakin-Bass Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer special that I thought was going to be on. Instead it was The Rockefeller Center lighting of the Christmas tree (probably called a holiday tree now) holiday special. Except for Harry Connick Jr. who actually sang instead of lip-syncing his songs, and an appearance by Kermit and Miss Piggy, I was horrified. I couldn't stop thinking about the great and spacious building. It was all so uber fake and commercial it made me a rather queezy. All these people "celebrating Christmas" just to sell their crap-o-la. The coup de gras was Beyonce singing Ave Maria in a dress with a neckline down to her navel and lip gloss that you could see the reflection of the camera in. Hello!! And teenage boys singing about how all they want for Christmas is a new girlfreind? Barf! I must be getting old. I guess I don't mind so much that my new hd hook-up doesn't work so well. I'm sticking with netflix and I guess I'll just have to break down and buy all the good old Christmas specials on dvd.